
Ek wil net dankie se vir n puik kursus in Bloem! Ek en my dogtertjie, Isabella het sommer dieselfde middag al die eerste “sign” geleer! Sy doen fantasties met die Tiny Handz. Ek het opgehou tel hoeveel tekens sy al ken! Dit het my baie gehelp en ons twee is sommer nou baie nader aan mekaar ook, omdat ons uiteindelik kan komunikeer! Baie dankie vir alles! As jy weer n opvolg kursus het, laat weet my asb! Groete, Wilma Pan

Thank you so very much for the best workshop I have ever attended! What fun and how much info we got to know through your hands-on training, WOW!! Samantha Barris

Ek wil net baie dankie sê vir die opleiding Saterdag.  Dit was vir my persoonlik baie lekker en ek het regtig baie geleer.  Ek het ses modules SASL op universiteit gedoen, maar moet sê dat ek baie meer by jou geleer het in die paar ure as oor die 2 jaar!  Baie dankie vir die manier waarop jy dit aangebied het, en ook jou persoonlike ervaring en getuienis! Baie dankie weereens vir die wonderlike werk wat jy doen! Marina Els (Bloemfontein – Terapeut)

Goeiedag!! Ek wil vir jou weereens dankie sê vir die insiggewende, opvoedkundige, heerlike werkswinkel! Ek het lank laas ‘n werkswinkel so baie geniet en so baie geleer soos by joune!! Ek sal dit enige tyd aanbeveel en weer een bywoon!! Dankie dat jy jou kennis en insig met almal deel, ons het dit so baie nodig! Dit was heerlik om jou te ontmoet en sterkte met jou seun!! Groete en glo ons paaie sal weer kruis! Christel (Bloemfontein)

I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the workshop yesterday! It was so much fun, I was not bored for a minute! I came home to the kids and started putting it into practice immediately! (That’s the advantage us parents have over the therapists!!) Would you believe that my daughter was able to sign ‘pig’ and ‘sheep’ last night already? I was over the moon!!! And this evening, she’s now doing ‘pig’, ‘sheep’, ‘cow’, ‘dog’, ‘cat’ and ‘cow’! I’m flabbergasted at how fast she’s learnt the signs; it really motivates me!! Thank you once again, I’m hoping to meet up with you again maybe at the intermediate course. In the meantime, God bless you and your wonderful family. We also love the Lord a great deal and serve Him and thank Him for the blessing our daughter is to us. Much love, Debbie Rossi.

Hi Monita, Jy sal nie glo hoeveel woorde Gustav al sign nie! Sy juffrou brag so met hom! Hy sign al “pappa, mamma, sussie, honger, dors, stort, eet, pap” ek kan nou nie dink wat nog nie, maar dis amazing vir ons! In 2 weke sign hy meer woorde as wat hy in 4 jaar kon sê! Die juffrou werk ook baie mooi saam met hom. Ons is so opgewonde! Liefde, Barbara Birkholtz (George)

I would just like to share my success with using Assisted Sign Language. I am currently seeing a 10-year old boy with Down Syndrome who really struggles expressing himself, although I am very sure that his receptive language is very good. He was already seen for a few years by other Speech Therapists, who could never elicit more than a few single words. I then had the idea to try assisted Sign Language – and what a wonder 😉 In just two sessions he was beginning to use a combination of speech and signs to show me pictures, try telling stories and generally being more active within the session. The Occupational Therapist who also sees him, also noticed some changes in his behaviour, i.e. he was much more willing to participate in her sessions than before. He even smiled at me and called me “Teacher” – which he hadn’t done in the past! It’s really rewarding to see him respond like this! So I just wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn about Tiny Handz and assisted Sign Language. Monika Lakemeier (Speech Therapist) Johannesburg

I attended your Tiny Handz course at Durbanville Medi-Clinic. Thank you so much for the workshop. I walked out so inspired and able to sign! I didn’t think Sign Language was so easy. I thought it would take me years & lots of practice to learn it. I think this is a reflection on the way that you teach Sign Language, the associations you make and the design of the workshop. Well done. I now don’t feel so out of my depth when communicating with deaf/hard of hearing people. Thank you for opening up a whole new world to me. I look forward to the next workshop. Many thanks, Shannon Pasio (Occupational Therapist – Cape Town)

Thank you so much for the course, Casey and I were both amazed at how informative and practical it was. We enjoyed it thoroughly, it was lots of fun plus we learnt all the signs you taught and it’s ingrained in our memory so well because of your clever use of comparisons. Brilliant! We have already started teaching our son and he is so excited that we are signing and he is picking it up so fast. Thank you for doing what you do, you are truly an inspiration and you carry such a powerful testimony it was so wonderful to hear about the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ and the miracles that he is doing each and every  day in and through our lives and the lives of our kids. I was so blessed, thank you so very much. Looking forward to seeing you at the intermediate course soon. Kind regards, Tammy (Mother of child with special needs, Pinetown)

Hi Monita, ek wil vir jou positiewe terugvoer gee.  Ons gebruik nou Tiny Handz by Mozart Akademie vandat ons die kursus geloop het en dit werp regtig vrugte af.  Al die kindertjies begin nou saamwys as ons gebare, tesame met ‘n prentjie en die woord doen.  Willem, my seuntjie, wou nooit ‘nog’ wys nie en ons sukkel al vandat hy 2-jaar oud is om hom dit te laat wys.  Vandag het hy vir die eerste keer self ‘nog’ gewys toe ek vir hom gevra het of hy nog joghurt wil hê.  Ek was skoon bewoë! Baie baie dankie vir jou positiewe gesindheid.  Jy is ‘n inspirasie vir ons as ouers! Groete, Carina Thirion (Onderwyser: Mozart Akademie)

Beste Monita! Baie baie dankie vir ‘n lekker opleiding!!! Ek het dit baie geniet en sommer ‘n nuwe wêreld vir my oopgegaan!!! Ek sal graag definitief verder wil leer!!! Ek het alreeds die nuus begin dophou en kon darem ‘n paar tekens erken!! Ek dink dit is ‘n ongelooflike hulpmiddel!!! Baie dankie vir al die moeite, entoesiasme en ook jou getuienis!!! Mag die Vader net elke deel van hierdie kennis en werk wat jy doen net verder seën en mag jy net in elke oomblik meer en meer vreugde daarin vind, en ‘n groot verskil daar buite maak!!! Dankie vir alles!  Manri van Straten (OT – Gordonia Hospital in Upington)

Good evening Monita. Just a message of thanks for the EXCELLENT presentation to the course. Your spirit and down to earth nature made it so easy to grasp concepts and your enthusiasm definitely made learning such a difficult language, a fun and positive experience. I’m looking forward to the advert for the intermediate course and have been using my new communication tool on my husband, who is now, also wanting to learn 🙂 Thank you again for your patience and a course I will never regret attending. Take care… Ilhaam Kader-Laattoe (OT: Univ of the Western Cape)


This course opens up a whole new world for both therapist, parent, teacher and child. Therapist, Knysna

I left this day, feeling equipped and confident to start using signing. Teacher, School in Knysna

It was the most interesting training I had and the facilitator is super. Parent, Knysna

I would recommend this to all schools. Teacher, Knysna

Hierdie opleiding het my hele uitkyk van kommunikasie en ‘hand signing’ verander. Dis net awesome! Anoejska, Brits

Dit was baie leersaam en gaan ‘n nuwe wêreld van kommunikasie oopmaak vir my. Onderwyser, Brits

Thank you for helping us being of help to others and making a difference to so many lives. Development Manager, Roodepoort

Die opleiding is beslis die moeite werd. Dit kan ‘n verskil min iemand se lewe maak. Onderwyser (Janie Shneider Skool – Klerksdorp)

Monita is puik!! Ek het elke oomblik geniet! Onderwyser (Janie Shneider Skool – Klerksdorp)

Die klas is ‘n baie praktiese kreatiewe kursus wat mens in voeling sit met diè wat min of geen spraak het nie.(Onderwyser – Alma Skool)

Highly recommended course for speech therapists and parents of special needs children (Speech therapist: Bryandale)

Dankie dit was baie leersaam. Dit is te moeilik om dit alleen te leer. Na die opleiding kan mens dit beter gaan toepas. (Ouer van kind met spesiale behoeftes – JHB)

Baie leersaam. Ek moes dit al vroeër gedoen het, dan sou ek meer insig hê! (Mother of child with special needs-Centurion)

Very interesting and helpful method of communication for challenged kids. (Father of special needs child – Centurion)

Thank you for the practical and useful training! (Speech therapist: Centurion)

Very practical. Outstanding! (Teacher Maranatha Bana School – Centurion)

This was a very practical class and I am very excited to go and use it with my patients! Lurinda Els (OT – Kalafong Hospital)

I feel privileged to have gained this knowledge and hope to make a difference in others’ lives through this tool. Philipha (ST, Bernice Samual Hosp, Delmas)

Very practical, interesting, fun, non-threatening and a dynamic workshop! Teacher (Cape Town)

I am going to have so much fun with this! OT (Cape Town)

The way that the class was presented was extremely interactive. It was a Saturday well spent. School Psychologist (Cape Town)

It was fabulous. I enjoyed everything. Keep up the good work! (Teacher – East London)

Ideal tool to equip non-verbal communication in severely disabled children, physical as well as mentally. Behaviour Therapist (East London)

Big thank you for this training. I really learned a lot and would love to learn even more! Therapist (East London)

This course was awesome! I enjoyed it thoroughly and can’t wait to apply it in my therapy. Speech Therapist (East London)

Great Course! It was so practical and easy to learn. This will benefit my patients so much! Speech-Language Therapist (Durban)

If anyone is working with people with communication barriers, Tiny Handz is so worth the try. You’ve got nothing to lose and more to gain! Therapist (Durban)

This was an interactive and fun course where so much was accomplished. Thank you Tiny Handz! Audiologist (Durban)

I would recommend this training to all parents, teachers and therapists as it is very helpful! Therapist (Durban)

Interactive, fun learning to take with you in your special needs work! Horse Professional (PMB)

I always thought it was impossible to learn Sign Language, until I attended Tiny Handz. OT (Pretoria North)

The Training was amazing and very useful. Well thought. Therapist (Weskoppies Pretoria)

Thanks so much! The training was simply amazing. Thanks Monita! OT (Weskoppies Pretoria)

Very practical course. A must if you are working with children with communication difficulties! Physiotherapist (Private – Centurion)

I did not think it possible to learn so much, but with this day over and material provided – WELL DONE! Speech Therapist (Centurion)

The most excellent practical course! Speech Lang Therapist (Centurion)

Daar het beslis ‘n nuwe wêreld oopgegaan vir kinders wat moeilik kommunikeer ná Tiny Handz! Terapeut (Upington)

HIerdie kursus is ‘n wonderlike manier om die nuwe taal te leer. Terapeut (Upington)

I always thought Sign Language was difficult to learn but Tiny Handz made it so much easier – and this only in one day! Wow… Thanks! OT (Upington)

Die Tiny Handz Kursus was ‘n ongelooflike ervaring, sonder twyfel. Arbeidsterapeut (Upington)

Easy, Simple and extremely beneficial! Chantelle (Teacher: Lusito School, JHB)

Very basic and easy to understand for our learners which are very physically challenged (Teacher: Lusito School, JHB)

Most enjoyable plus lots of info which is most interesting. Acoustician & Counsellor (Knysna)

Ek het die opleiding baie geniet en leersaam gevind.G Retief (HOD, Pro Nobis, Dundee)

An absolute joy and the perfect way to enter the world of Sign Language. HJ Meyer (Physiotherapist, ProNobis, Dundee)

It has been so interesting. Before I thought this would be too difficult, but it’s not and it’s so interesting. S Biyela Mother of child with special needs (Dundee)

No-one can be more invigorating and encouraging than Monita. Thank you! G Scott (Snr Admin Klerk, ProNobis, Dundee)

This was an awesome course and was a great team-builder for the staff as well! Debbie (Pathways Kloof, KZN)

Everything about this course was perfect. Teacher (Pathways Kloof, KZN)

Dit is ‘n uitstekende kursus vir enige iemand. VOL praktiese inligting. Maryna Du Plessie (Student & part time teacher, Bloemfontein)

This was an amazing experience; will recommend it for any other OT. Johannet van Coller (OT, Colesberg).

Die kursus was baie leersaam en ek het besef dat ek nie net een persoon nie, maar baie meer mense sal kan help met hierdie kennis. M De Villiers (OT, DOH)

Tiny Handz maak soveel deure vir terapeute oop om terapie en kommunikasie met spesiale pupulasie te verbeter. A Du Plessie (Spraak, Taal Terapeut, Colesberg)

An empowering day for a professional and non-professional persons.E Viljoen (OT, Sandton)

What a great way to spend my Saturday! L. Brugman (Speech Language Therapist, Sandton).

This was a brilliant course that teaches signs in a such a meaningful and accessible way! A Clayton (Educ Psychologist, Sandton)

Monita makes learning the signs such fun and practical for families, therapists and all dealing with children. Tracey-Leigh Venter (OT – Gauteng)

Thanks Monita! You inspire me! Faiza Dean (Support Group Leader – Gauteng)

It was the most I have learnt and remembered in a short space of time. Fantastic! Janine Jerome (Mother of child with special needs – Gauteng)

This is a superb tool for anyone who works with children. Quite frankly, everyone should learn how to sign. (Teacher St Stithians, JHB)

This course is amazing and should be given to all professionals working within a special needs environment. (Professional, JHB)

I really enjoyed this course, I have learned a great deal and will most definitely apply it in my work and home setting. (Dietician & Mother, JHB)

Tiny Handz taught such a valuable skill that would make communication so much easier in the world of autism. (Mother of child with special needs, JHB)

Tiny Handz is a very user friendly approach which aids in the daily communication with verbal and non-verbal learners. (Head of Department, Golden Steps School, KNZ)

An excellent, exciting and vibrant presentation adding a new dimension to AAC. (Principal, Golden Steps School, KZN).

This training is amazing. I loved every minute of it and I learned a lot of valuable things. Thank you! Nicole Shepherd (Student: NMMU, PE)

It is high time that we all do Sign Language. It is very interesting and made easy through this training. Nombeko Mvula (Educator: Kuyasa Special School, Grahamstown)

This was a very enriching learning experience, worth the time and money. Thank you! Speech Therapist (Port Elizabeth)

This was a very practical workshop. I enjoyed myself so much and I’m walking away with info I can use on children struggling with language. Carissa Fourie (BCom PScyh Student)

This training is amazing. I loved every minute of it and I learned a lot of valuable things. Thank you! Nicole Shepherd (Student: NMMU)

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience…. Definitely surpassed my expectations 😉 Audiologist/Tutor UKZN (Durban)

This was an awesome and fun learning experience that you can apply every day when working with special needs children. Community Service Speech Therapist (Cape Town)

It was such a wonderful experience to attend this training and I really enjoyed it. Surprise Mokgope. Dept of Woman and Children with Disabilities (Gauteng)

This training was a breath of fresh air! Educator (ProNobis School, Dundee)

The workshop was very inspiring and well-presented and encouraging. Educator; Reg Counsellor (Clencoe)

I really enjoyed the course you did it in such a way that it is easy to remember. Thanks! Little Leaps Teacher (Pretoria)

It is high time that we all do Sign Language. It is very interesting and made easy through this training. Nombeko Mvula (Educator: Kuyasa Special School, Grahamstown)

I could not believe the training was so down to earth. Teacher: Little Fellowship (Cape Town)

Die opleiding was wonderlik, insiggewend en pret! Spraakterapeut (Pretoria)

Jy kan nie ‘n fout maak om hierdie kursus by te woon nie! Mom of special needs child (Gauteng)

Monita, you have made it so easy. This is really going to benefit all of us at our school. Teacher Special needs school (PE)

It was unusual how much are actually remembered in such a short space of time. Excellent! Speech Language Therapist (Dundee, KZN)

Thank you, very much for the training it was wonderful. It made me feel comfortable and the manner was very friendly. Student of special needs (Pretoria)

The course is so worthwhile and so relevant – a must do for anyone involved in special education and early literacy development. OT from Harding School (Durban)

The course introduces Sign Language in a very user friendly manner especially for parents and professionals with no Sign Language experience. Audiologist (Durban)

Monita, your enthusiasm is contagious! Thank you…. Educational Psychologist (Cape Town)

This training is such an awesome door to open for many opportunities. Teacher: Alpha School (Cape Town)

Thank you for getting and giving hope where there was no hope. Physiotherapist (Cape Town)

Fantastic interactive course which parents with children with any special need should attend! Member of Down Syndrome Association (East London)

Thank you very much for a job well done and for caring for the many children who need this. It’s something not to miss. Very informative. Teacher (Camphill School, Hermanus)

Monita, you are very knowledgeable, passionate and driven. Thank you! Teacher (Camphill School, Hermanus)

Wonderful experience and taught by someone who is very passionate. Teacher (Bel Porto School, Cape Town)

Wonderful course. Didn’t know I could learn so much and sign so fast! Colleen (Physiotherapist: Private)

Al is ‘hands-on’ en ek stap uit met ‘n ‘skill’. Sjoe… powerful. Emsie (OT: Private)

This has taught me so much. I can’t wait to sign for everything now. Suné (Student)

This Workshop gave me so much hope in the possibility to communicate with my son. Tertia (mom of child with special needs)

Dis ‘n wonderlike manier om ‘n bydrae te maak in gestremde kinders se ontwikkeling! Therapist (Gauteng)

Monita is amazing and the way she makes references to help you remember the signs, are brilliantly done. This training is very beneficial. OT (Tambo Memorial Hospital)

Very well presented workshop. Love the passion of the presenter. Excited to start Tiny Handz. Thank you! (OT: Nokuthula School)

Definitely a privilege to attend this training and a real life-changing and equipping experience. Thanks for everything. L Lategan (OT: Military Hospital)

Thank you Monita. You teach us well, now we can teach our learners well! LW Alberts (Platorand School)

I had so much fun and learnt SO much! Monita is lovely and passionate. P Westgate (WITS Student)

Thank you for getting and giving hope where there was no hope. Physiotherapist (Cape Town)

This course was very well planned. A De Jonge (OT, Lydenburg Hospital)

Excellent course. Easy to learn the signs. Valuable material provided. Seijal Ravjee (Speech-Lang Therapist: Evander Hospital)

This is a well-thought out and great structured course that makes Sign Language possible for everyone! Danelle Pienaar (Audiologist: Evander Hospital)

The sessions had detailed pictures of all the signs done in the class and this really helps. K Mattew (Speech Therapist, Witrand Hosp, Potch)

Puik, puik, puik! Hierdie opleiding maak mens opgewonde! Janine van Aswegen (Teacher: Hartswater Primary)

Your associations make learning much easier. I wish I had done this during my training as a therapist. Salome Seyffert (Audiologist: Hartswater)

Die opleiding is ‘n moet. Nie net vir mense met spesiale behoeftes nie. Marinda Hamman (Parent of child with special needs, Hartwater)

The cross-culture ability is amazing for areas where languages are not only English or Afrikaans and it is simple enough to use in rural areas. M Knopjes (Centurion)

If anyone is working with people with communication barriers, Tiny Handz is so worth the try. You’ve got nothing to lose and more to gain! Therapist (Durban)